Conscious Living Services
The Awakened Mind, Body and Spirit
Spiritual Life Coaching
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
How do I start the Spiritual Life Coaching process?
Contact me to schedule an appointment for a free 10-15 minute discovery session, which is the initial, structured session that forms the foundation of our work to follow. Then we can decide what kind of schedule would work best for you.
How does Spiritual Life Coaching work?
The sessions are for 1 hour a week; however, my services are flexible and can accommodate the wishes and needs of my clients. This includes updates and spot coaching via email between sessions. (Clients have found spot coaching to be a potent way to stay on track and remain motivated and connected with me.) Fees are always paid upfront on a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis.
How long does personal Spiritual Life Coaching take?
I request that clients make a minimum of three month commitment to the coaching to give it a full chance to demonstrate its effectiveness. This is not a financial commitment, but a psychological, emotional, and spiritual one. Therefore, the coaching might last only three months or it may continue on for a year or more. You will know when it is time to end.
What makes personal Spiritual Life Coaching so convenient?
Spiritual Life Coaching can be conducted on the phone in the convenience of your home or office. Some local folks might opt to do it in person (my office is located in White Plains, NY). People have full and busy lives and some might not like not to deal with traffic or weather conditions; coaching on the phone is a viable option for them. Location is truly no obstacle.
Does Spiritual Life Coaching focus on work or personal issues?
The Spiritual Life Coaching that I provide is very holistic in that the person’s entire life is considered grist for the coaching mill. Different parts of people’s lives that might be worked on are: career, health/wellness, money, spiritual-development, home, family, relationships, friends, fun/recreation, etc. Coaching helps you bring balance and satisfaction to all of the various parts of your life on all levels (mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually).
Is personal Spiritual Life Coaching just about action and doing?
Not at all. Spiritual Life Coaching is about growing, learning and healing too. It’s about Being all you can Be, to coin a phrase. It’s about evolving and becoming… and enjoying the process. That being said, it certainly involves planning, action and accountability (reporting back to me via email or in our next session). Sometimes old believes and behavior patterns get in the way of action or making changes and then we work on moving through the resistance and clear the old believes and patterns. When I coach, I really do get people moving where they want to go based on their own agenda and what is important to them.
GREAT! How do I Start?
When you are ready to start the conversation, I like to begin with an introductory call, which you can schedule via my online booking program. We will chat and decide collectively what is in your greatest and highest good. After that, we will set our schedule and I will send you a Coaching Agreement, in which you will sign, make your payment(s), and return to be via email, fax, or snail-mail. Looking forward to working with you.
Stay Blessed!
Rev. Carmen
Spiritual Life Coach